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Class Schedule - Spring 2025

TRST 410 - Translation and Interpreting Theory & Practice

Study of the theory and methods of translation and interpreting. Emphasis is on contemporary theoretical trends in the translation and interpreting fields, and practical application of theoretical models. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

TRST 432 - Audio Visual Translation Studies

Examination of how subtitles are produced, how multimodal translation works, the growing discipline of audiovisual translation, as well as hands-on training in subtitling. Students will review the history of audiovisual translation, practice using subtitling software, and produce their own subtitles for segments of films they select. Students may work from any other language into English. Access to a PC computer strongly encouraged. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Six semesters of foreign language study at the college level, or equivalent competence.

TRST 500 - Translation and Interpreting: Reflective Practice

Exploration of the ethical and epistemological dimensions of translation and interpreting. Through discussion of primary texts and case studies, this course aims to take students beyond codified codes of professional ethics to discover the intellectual traditions (e.g., hermeneutics and philosophy of language, critical social theory, virtue ethics, etc.) that frame reflective practice. Topics include the nature of language, dialogue across difference, and the crafting of a personally fulfilling and morally responsive life of practice. This course is designed as a transition to professional practice, to be taken shortly before graduation. Prerequisite: TRST 410 or consent of instructor.

TRST 502 - Applied LiteraryTranslation II

Focuses on the practice and strategies of literary translation through the study of what prominent and successful translators have written about their own experience and through comparative analysis of prize-winning translations. Students will be exposed to reader response theory and the role of the translator as cultural agent while learning how to produce paratext for their translations (prefaces, notes, etc.) and developing skills in translation, editing, grant-writing, and participation in professional associations. Same as CWL 512, EALC 512, GER 512, and SLAV 502. Prerequisite: TRST 501 or consent of unit.

TRST 503 - Computer-Assisted Translation

A foundation course in the history, technical underpinnings and functionality of computer-assisted translation (CAT). Students work with several CAT tools and learn the functions and features of CAT, including Project set-up, Translation Memory, Termbase, Alignment, File filters, Quality Assurance, Reports, Review files, Machine Translation, and Autosuggest dictionaries. Campus students should have access to a laptop that can be brought to class. Prerequisite: Six semesters of non-English language study or equivalent competence.

TRST 505 - Commercial & Technical Translation

Theoretical and practical aspects of translation of various genres of commercial and technical content, for example, annual reports, product specifications, marketing web sites, user manuals, online help, etc. Prerequisite: Six semesters of non-English language study or equivalent competence.

TRST 540 - Capstone

Original capstone project completed as the culmination of the MA in Translation and Interpreting. Prerequisite: TRST 407 and TRST 410.

TRST 542 - Conference Interpreting

Introduction to conference interpreting and its main theoretical concepts. Core skills will be introduced and practiced, such as understanding the spoken language and language analysis techniques, acquisition of subject matter knowledge, terminology management, verbal expression skills, and mastery of technology for conference interpreting. Intensive interpreting practice in simultaneous interpreting in the students' language pairs. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit.